$25.00 USD

Enneagram Six Values Workshop

It's so easy to let doubt, cynicism, and a desire for external guidance stop us from knowing what to do. 

After this 2 hour workshop you will have more access to your inner knowing and inner guidance through discovering your core values. 

Working through questions that access different emotional states will help you hone in on what really matters to you. 

  • The workshop is designed to help you DISCOVER rather than choose your values. They already exist. They are found in your body, not your mind. 
  • You will work to get to the top 3-5, so you can keep them close and actually use them.
  • JANUARY 19th 12pm - 2pm CST

There will be a replay available for 72 hours after the workshop. It will live inside the Zero to Sixy Membership after that as a Bonus recording.